4 Delectable Recipes That Are Amazing for Women\'s Health

Good nutrition matters for everyone—all the time. But as they journey through their lives, women’s nutritional needs change. Check out these luscious-looking recipes that are amazing for women\’s health … at any age!

Over a woman’s lifetime, her health concerns and nutrient needs can vary. The health challenges they might face in their teens and early adulthood are significantly different from those they might deal with during their childbearing years and in their fifties, sixties, and beyond.

Early years

It goes without saying that baseline nutrients are necessary at all ages. But a woman in her teens and twenties often has a greater need for iron due to menstrual blood loss and high-octane activities. She also needs to pack in calcium (with vitamin D) during the critical bone-building years.

Childbearing years

When moving into their thirties, women might want to bump up folate in their diet, particularly if they’re planning a family. Also important through these years is a continued focus on iron, calcium, and vitamin D, while vitamin B12 and omega-3s are also important to support developing fetuses.

Senior years

As women move into their fifties and sixties, they’ll find a greater need for vitamin B12, as the body’s ability to absorb this nutrient declines as women age. There’s also an increased need for calcium and vitamin D to slow down inevitable bone loss. And they’ll also require more potassium, magnesium, and omega-3s.

Let’s not forget that, in every decade of a woman’s life, she’ll need plenty of fibre to keep the digestive wheels turning and lots of water to help keep her system well lubricated.

Of course, the best way to obtain optimal nutrition is from eating nutritious food. We’ve put together some excellent recipes that are not only delicious, but packed with all the nutrients that women need in the various stages of their lives. They’ll fuel your body in the best possible ways.

One-Pot Garlic-Laced Linguine with Baby Clams and Black Beans 

One-Pot Garlic-Laced Linguine with Baby Clams and Black Beans

Asparagus Bouquet Salad with Smoked Rosy Tahini Dressing

Colourful Open-Faced Lunch

Marinated Salmon Fillet with Vegetable Salad

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