Best alive Tips for a Natural, Healthy, Eco-friendly Holiday

The so-called happiest time of year can be trying – on us and the planet. Check out our tips for a greener, healthier, happier holiday.

The so-called happiest time of year can also be stressful and hard on Mother Nature. Thankfully, over the years we’ve compiled simple tips for a greener, healthier, and happier holiday.

Everything you need to know about Christmas trees

  • Turns out, a real tree is better for the environment
  • … but watch out for mold!
  • … and remember to recycle it

Décor 101

  • Get crafty with these DIY decoration ideas
  • Choose greener holiday lights (pardon the pun)
  • Wrap your presents in creative, eco-friendly ways

Food and entertaining

  • Host a green holiday party
  • Be prepared for potlucks with these delicious alive dishes
  • Plan your Christmas morning brunch menu
  • Learn when holiday drinking becomes too much

Stay healthy (and safe)

  • Yes, you canavoid the holiday bulge!
  • … but if you have indulged, learn how to ward off heartburn
  • Keep these safety tips in mind when it comes to kids, pets, food poisoning, and holiday hazards
  • Do your best to find time for exercise (and not just running through the mall)

Gift giving

  • Make sure to check out our 2013 Gift Guide in our December issue for the latest and greatest gift ideas—found at health food stores!
  • Also consider giving a symbolic gift
  • Whip up some yummy edible gifts in the kitchen
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